
Sept. 5, 2022

What Is Person Centered Care

Person-Centered has been a more common term being thrown around on social media.Often it is proposed as an ideal mode of clinical practice?What is person-centered care?Hasn't it always be person-centered care?What are the ba…
Aug. 29, 2022

Does Spinal Hygiene Exist?

In a recent discussion in DPT school the topic of spinal hygiene came up?What does it even mean to have good spinal hygiene?Is this even a real thing?What are the bad and good things that can come from this concept?Tune in t…
Aug. 22, 2022

Cervical Manipulation: Is It Worth It?

Recently there was a tragic story of a college age woman who suffered partial paralysis after cervical manipulationThis has always been a controversial topicDoes cervical manipulation have a place?What are ways we can do our…
Aug. 12, 2022

MDT: Why All The Love and Hate

We are fascinated how discussions around MDT can create this angry mob of love and hate around the intervention.Why the dichotomy?Is there a patient-centered way to apply this?Do our biases get in the way at times?Tune in to…
Aug. 5, 2022

Pain Science Gone Wrong

Don't get us wrong, our improved understanding of pain has done more good than bad.How many of us have pain-splained someone?Have you ever tried to explain pain and saw a blank frustrated stare across from you only to never …
July 29, 2022

Jarod Was Wrong

We all deal with challenges in our DPT student or early career stages of our journey. Imposter syndrome is real!We can't look weak or wrong in front of a patient.Or can we?Listen in on an experience where Jarod was wrong an…
July 15, 2022

Words Matter With Low Back Pain

Jarod recently did an article review for our friends at the Physio Network.We thought it was worth a discussion on the podcast.The title of the articles is: Effect of diagnostic labelling on management intentions for non-sp…
July 8, 2022

Shaming of Passive Care?

David Nichols, our friend from Auckland University in New Zealand, recently published a viewpoint on the current environment and views on passive care in physical therapy.What goes behind this push away from passive care?Are…
July 1, 2022

Our First Hand Experience With Burnout

You may have noticed we took a break from the podcast as of late. Listen as both Mark and Jarod share their recent experiences with burnoutDoes this sound like you?Is hustle culture bad for your health?Are you enjoying the …
June 24, 2022

MPP 91 - Bob And Brad Talk Discs

Recently Bob and Brad released a post on Twitter discussing the need to be careful with vigorous activity first thing in the AM due to your discs being swollenIs this true?Is this a bad message?Are there contexts where this …
March 4, 2022

Interview With Mallory Kargela

In this week's episode we interview Mark's wife Mallory and discuss her lived experience around a recent health scare.There a ton of pearls in this episode as Mallory reflects on the challenges she faced when dealing with an…
Feb. 25, 2022

Interview With Dan Lorenz

Listen to our 3rd and final episode recording live at CSM San AntonioDan Lorenz shares his background and perspective.What do experts do well?Are we getting distracted from the basics with new shiny intervention strategies?H…
Guest: Dan Lorenz
Feb. 18, 2022

Interview With Michael Ray

Join us for our second interview from CSM San Antonio with Michael Ray.Listen as Michael shares his journey and the challenges he faced with traditional teachings around pain and what he had learned in chiropractic schoolDr.…
Guest: Michael Ray
Feb. 11, 2022

Interview With Jason Silvernail

Listen to our first interview at CSM 2022 in San Antonio with one of our mentors and friends Col. Jason SilvernailWe talk about development of critical thinking skills, his role in the military trying to create an amazing co…
Feb. 4, 2022

Interview with Aaron Kubal - PartTwo

In part two of our discussion with Aaron we discussed the process he went through in becoming this active and successful on social media.We discuss his consistent pursuit of authenticity and leaning into who he is.We discuss…
Jan. 28, 2022

Interview with Aaron Kubal Part 1

Join us as we interview Aaron Kubal, a chiropractor, doing some great things in his practice and on social mediaIn part one we talk about his journey and the challenges he faced to get to where he is today.Aaron challenges t…
Jan. 21, 2022

Manual Therapy: Supportive Not Corrective

While listening to Peter O'Sullivan and Joletta Belton discuss their experience with Peter's interaction with Joletta the topic of manual therapy aroseMark mentioned that manual therapy should be supportive not corrective.Th…
Jan. 14, 2022

Defense Versus Defect

A key concept that really helped Jarod and Mark better understand and help people with pain was the thought that pain was more defense versus defect.What does this mean?How can it help you in patient care?Tune in to this wee…
Jan. 7, 2022

I Have No Idea What Is Going On With This Patient. What Do I Do?

The clinic is undoubtedly full of gray and rarely resembles the neat black and white version we learn in DPT schoolHumans likely never will fall into nice neat diagnostic buckets.With this complexity comes scenarios where we…
Dec. 31, 2021

The State Of DPT Education

DPT education can become a very spirited discussion.Students are at times heard complaining about what they are being taught.Faculty members are fighting to maintain the balance between getting students ready to pass boards …
Dec. 24, 2021

Interview With Across The Continuum

Listen in this week as Mark interviews Joe Camoratto and CJ DePalma. They will discuss their Across the Continuum Program and how they have been able to help clinicians become comfortable with exercise programming in the r…
Dec. 17, 2021

Specificity In Spinal Manipulation Part 2

Last week Jarod and Mark discussed a systematic review on specificity of spinal manipulation.The review showed we didn't have any data to support specific manipulation techniquesSo what does this mean for our practice?Is spe…
Dec. 10, 2021

**Research Review** Specificity In Spinal Manipulation

A recent systematic review has been published in Scientific Reports titled - The importance of selecting the correct site to apply spinal manipulation when treating spinal pain: Myth or reality? A systematic reviewAs many of…
Dec. 3, 2021

Three Things You Don't Need To Succeed As A New Grad

Coming off of last week's episode on keys to success as a new grad we thought we would go in the opposite direction.What are three things you DON'T need to succeed as a new grad.Listen as Jarod and Mark reflect on things the…