
MPP 108: Occupational Therapy in Pain Care

How well do you recognize what our Occupational Therapy colleagues bring to the table?

They are much more than simply ADLs and play huge roles in successful pain management.

Tune in this week and hear Megan Osgood Doyle discuss this and more!

Check out Megan on:
Instagram at @meganosgooddoyle81112
Twitter at @MOsgoodDoyle

00:00 - Start
02:07 - Megan's introduction
04:08 - What sets OT apart?
08:07 - OT and current pain science
15:40 - Approach to dysautonomia
23:42 - The false dichotomy of organic and non-organic pain
29:17 - Pain science in acute pain
40:59 - State of OT education
46:32 - Where to find Megan