Roger Kerry discusses the challenges faced when we apply modern-day interpretations of evidenced-based healthcare to unique people.
Qualified as a Physiotherapist at Pinderfields School of Physiotherapy, Leeds University (1996). Gained MSc in Manipulative Physiotherapy at Coventry University(2001), also gaining membership of the Manipulation Association of Chartered Physiotherapists. Worked as Clinical Specialist and Extended Scope Practitioner in Orthopaedics before starting as a lecturer at Nottingham.
Current post is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham. Became a Honorary Fellow of the Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in 2011. PhD thesis: Causation and Evidence-Based Medicine (supervisor: Professor Stephen Mumford). Two Lord Dearing Awards for Educational Excellence. JISC Higher Education Social Media Superstar. Owner: Roger Kerry Global Online Physiotherapy Consultancy.
Podcast: Anarchy in The H.E. (Higher Education podcast)
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