Daria Oller

Daria Oller Profile Photo

Physical Therapist

Daria Oller, PT, DPT, ATC earned her BS in Athletic Training from James Madison University and her DPT from Seton Hall University. She works at Pro-Activity in Lebanon, New Jersey, where she is on-site with employer clients, specializing in prevention and health promotion. She has previously conducted research examining youth sport injury and illness epidemiology at Penn State Sport Camps. Daria developed Long COVID after contracting COVID-19 in March 2020, and has been sharing her lived experience on social media. She is a founding member of Long COVID Physio, an international peer support, education and advocacy, patient-led association of Physiotherapists living with Long COVID and our allies.

Aug. 4, 2024

Managing Long Covid: Expert Strategies from a Clinician and Lived Experiencer

In this episode of the Modern Pain Podcast, host Mark Kargela sits down with clinician and long COVID experiencer, Daria Oller. Daria shares her journey from contracting COVID-19 in March 2020 to becoming an advocate for educ...
Guest: Daria Oller