General Vs Specific Exercise For Low Back Pain
General Vs Specific Exercise For Low Back Pain
✅Many of us were taught that specific activation …
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July 3, 2020

General Vs Specific Exercise For Low Back Pain

General Vs Specific Exercise For Low Back Pain

✅Many of us were taught that specific activation …

✅Many of us were taught that specific activation of the transverse abdominus and multifidi are a key component of any back exercise program. ✅ Research has challenged this thought. 🤔 Is there a time for bracing work? 🤔 Where can "core stability" go wrong? 🤔 How can you prescribe exercise for back pain in a person-centered way versus allowing biomechanical theory dictate our choices to patients? Join Jarod and Mark as they unpack this topic in Modern Pain Care's weekly pain points! Links to articles discussed: